Monday, March 5, 2012

Another year :)

Wow! I cant believe it's been a year. Reading that last blog kind of shocked me. I think I've grown so much from then. I was so sad but yet still sane, well what i think is anyway. Well quick update, let's see, I moved out, got divorced, went to Las Vegas for the first time(and it probably won't be the last), bought a house and learned a whole lot about myself :). I also don't understand why everyone is so proud of me. I mean, I'm proud of myself too but to hear it from family and friends makes me blush. I just do what I got to do. I guess it helps that I'm optmistic. Oh well, all I know that I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. I am me and I open my arms to new adventures. Till next year.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

He's gone - just some thoughts

It's so hard to imagine myself as 1 person when I've been with him for so long. I'm trying to stay positive and find myself somehow, not that I think I lost myself, just maybe a part of me. It's scary. I'm looking for a new home. I can't believe it. I just can't believe how many people care about me either. I guess I felt more alone then I thought. They tell me I'll be just fine...maybe it's just a broken heart I have to deal with, I know I'm going to realize alot about our relationship and maybe I'll grow into someone better.(thou I can't imagine how-lol) I've done everything for him, such bullshit. I guess I have to take it as a lesson learned. I think I'm going to do some traveling and see my family. I think I put my life on hold long enough.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February report

wow, I've been so busy. It's been a long time. I'm still watching over my beloved binge with the sloping band house and the cafe' ~ yay!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I miss you Max......

Well I guess he forgot his password and hasn't posted anything in a year in a half, so it's ok, he is busy on tour.
This pic was in April when he came to see me. We went hiking in my back woods. It was great.
I can't wait to see him next year.

Sadly last Saturday (7/19)I lost my cat Max. He was stuck by a car on my road.

It's funny how life works because just 2 weeks before we found this little girl. We've decided to name her Remi.

Jesse seems to like her alot. Max wasn't happy with the new addition but was getting used to her. I will miss him so much. I hate being sad but I guess it's just another part of life that is very hard to except.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm just here because I'm watching my brother tear up his house. I'm not what I'm doing so I'm going to lunch.